From March 10th to May 19th 2022, professors from the STAPS research and training unit of the University of Burgundy will be organizing a series of courses on sports and movement science. The classes will be open to all FORTHEM students in bachelor’s third-year level and higher (L3, M1, M2, PhD). Students who are not Movement Science students from other departments are also welcome. Topics such as neuromuscular disorders, muscle stretching and muscle strengthening, emotions and motivations in sports will be covered.
To register for a class send a message to at least two week before the class. Information to include – Name, Year at the University (Bachelor’s 1st year, Master’s etc etc), Study Program (Sports Science, Biology etc). Students who participate in two or more classes will be given a FORTHEM attendance certificate.
- 10/3, 13h30-16h30 Motor control disorders in ‘cognitive pathologies’ (3h) – Jeremie Gaveau
- 17/3, 13h30-16h30 Principles of Muscle Strengthening (3h) – Nicolas Babault
- 24/3 13h30-16h30 Neuromuscular disorders: Neural level (3h) – Elizabeth Thomas
- 31/3 13h30-16h30 Emotions and motivation in sports (3h) – Mickael Campo
- 7/4 13h30-16h30 The Magic of Object Manipulation (3h) – Olivier White
- 14/4 13h30-16h30 Muscle Strengthening in Basketball (1.5h) – Jean Luc Goldberg
- 19/5 13h30-16h30 Neuromuscular Disorders: Muscle Level (3h) – Maria Papaiordanou