Summer school on Symbolic Boundaries

Summer school on Symbolic Boundaries

Although the FORTHEM Alliance’s summer school on Symbolic Boundaries ended in the last days of July in Opole, we can still listen to the comments given by the participants. Take a look at the videos presenting the comments from both students and academics. The...
Students and academic staff from: Univeristy of Opole, University of Valencia, University of Palermo and the Johannes Gutenberg University met up In Mainz and worked in an international team to strengthen the social awareness about the dangers of superbugs.

Students and academic staff from: Univeristy of Opole, University of Valencia, University of Palermo and the Johannes Gutenberg University met up In Mainz and worked in an international team to strengthen the social awareness about the dangers of superbugs.

Between the days of 26.09 and 30.09 students and university staff took part in an international students project that was organised by the Forthem consortium. The Project was about raising social awareness about the superbugs issue. It is a continuation of the Project...
A migration themed study trip to the European Parliament

A migration themed study trip to the European Parliament

Our students were invited to go on a short trip to the European Parliament earlier this month. The office of MEP Janina Ochojska-Okońska organized a study visit to Belgium. The aim was to show students the fundamentals of how European democracy operates in practice....
FORTHEM for Students – we are waiting for your applications!

FORTHEM for Students – we are waiting for your applications!

The FORTHEM Alliance gives students a voice! They can participate in decision-making on ideas and  Alliance-funded initiatives for students. If you would like to: gain international experience have a real impact on the development of the Alliance travel participate in...